Submit an Article

Issue 25 (January/February) Deadline:

December 1st, 2024

Content of Submission: Content that helps university English language teachers (around the world) improve their craft is warmly welcome. Some topic suggestions are: online teaching, student motivation, classroom management and teaching material design.

Submission related to Artificial Intelligence (Chat GPT, etc) should include specific and replicable lesson plans, worksheets, and anonymous examples of student work when possible as hyperlinked files. 

Language of Submission: All articles will need to be submitted in English.

Length of Submission: Ideally, articles should be longer than 500 words and no more than 1500 words.

Editing: Submit your article using this template. Download the file and read the instructions carefully. Please keep the same style of formatting and check your spelling/grammar carefully (as it cannot be corrected for you and the article may not be published). It is also a good idea to read a past issue of the newsletter to familiarize yourself with the structure of articles.

Citations: Citations/research data are not necessary. If you do want to include some, please keep them to a minimum. Hyperlinks to certain pages are acceptable and advised for helping explain online tools and teaching concepts.

Supporting Materials: Articles should contain hyperlinks (files on Google Drive, etc) to lesson plans, worksheets, and anonymous examples of student work when possible. Inclusion of such material increases the chance of publication.

How to Submit: Please use the template and send your article as a WORD file to